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I am Magali Steffens

Health Coach in Nutrition, Lifestyle & Mindset.

I specialise in Autoimmunity in Women's Health.

I created Master Serenity Coaching because I believe that everyone deserve serenity in their healing journey.


​​I help you find your own unique path to healing through getting to deeply know yourself from the biological and cellular level through to the emotional and mental.

Embrace the duality in this vital blend of science and spirituality. Find yourself in the mind-body-soul realm. Get your control back, heal and shine.


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Through my own Multiple Sclerosis and fertility journey, I realized how hard it is for a woman not to fit in boxes.


We have been used to get defined by status: wife, mother, entrepreneur, homemaker…


And when dysregulation comes in the way (autoimmunity) it breaks your cycle and you belong nowhere.


Status is OK, and believe me, I still long to be a mother.


But what about going back to our deepest truth and just being SELF?


You might say: autoimmunity is another box…

Yes, but not really... because it is mainly what is on the way of either fitting the other boxes (which some of us might want) or stopping us from being truly ourselves.


And I want to show how any woman can live well and thrive with autoimmunity, through nutrition, lifestyle & mindset.

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A bit of inspiration

Client's love

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Magali really helped me to see how far I have already come with my goal of being healthy, well and happy. There are still hurdles that I am conquering like self-doubt and lack of self-compassion to name a few. But with Magali's help those hurdles are getting smaller and easier to conquer.

There is always at least one big AHA-Moment during our sessions and Magali has helped me, to figure out a major milestone in my healing journey. She was able to point me in a direction to look at FODMAPS and SIBO in more detail. By doing that I actually found that that is a major component that’s been impacting and hindering my healing journey. I am incredibly grateful for her pointing me in that direction.

I really like Magali's calm and wise approach during our sessions and am very grateful for her support and can only highly recommend her.

Karin Ahamer,
1:1 sessions

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