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My offerings

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Autoimmunity in Women's Health

The online course

On your own time.

At your own pace.


From nutrition to toxicities and gut health, through physical exercises and sleep.

10 lessons with short videos, transcripts and learning materials

To guide you through knowledge and understanding

For you to find your own unique path to healing.


1:1 Health Coaching

Personalized and individual support, guidance and accountability.


From basic one-off session with or without nutrition and lifestyle assessment, for a kick start or reset

To "Your Own Serenity Path" one-month programme, custom made programme, or a-la-carte.

Your way, your pick.


5 eBooks Bundle

Digital download to work at your own pace and be your own coach

- Let's get cooking - Nutrition, cooking and recipe eBook

- The 4 Pillars of Health workbook - 50 tips to eat, move, sleep, engage and create change

- Monthly Planner: An all in one way of planning
- Your guide "4 steps morning and evening routines"
- Nutrition & Lifestyle assessment: self-reflected questionnaire.

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Maxi Bundle
Your ALL-IN-ONE solution

Get access to these 3 services in one go.

The Maxi-Bundle - Your ALL-IN-ONE solution includes:

- The access to the Online Course for a year.

- Instant download of the 5 eBooks bundle

- One Nutrition and Lifestyle assessment - 45min 1:1 coaching session

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